Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) provides a set of application programming interface (API) functions which make it easier for a developer to connect to a wide range of database formats. ODBC gives the developer a method of designing programs that are not specific to database format whether you are using Oracle, SQL Server, Access, or others. ODBC drivers are DLLs that contain the functions that let you connect to various databases. Each ODBC driver is separate for each database format. ODBC drivers take the code from a program and convert the functions to the specific database format being used. RDO (Remote Data Objects) is a thin layer of code that acts as an ODBC "wrapper", enabling the developer to invoke ODBC functionality using familiar object method and property syntax.
The "Alphabet Soup" of Database Access
Prior to VB6 and the introduction of ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), VB programmers would generally use DAO (Data Access Objects) to interact with local databases such as MS Access and use RDO (Remote Data Objects) to interact with client/server databases such as Oracle and SQL Server. The concept behind ADO was Universal Data Access (UDA), where one database access method could be used for any data source; it was designed to replace both DAO and RDO. DAO remains a viable technology for interacting with MS Access databases as it is faster than ADO for that purpose; however, ADO is more flexible – using ADO, one could develop a prototype database application using MS Access in the back-end, and with a "flick of the wrist" (i.e., with very little coding changes) "upsize" that same application to use Oracle or SQL Server. As far as RDO is concerned, no new versions of it have been developed beyond the version that shipped with VB6, and there are no future plans for it.
In the VB4 and VB5 worlds, RDO was the main method used to interact with client/server databases. RDO works perfectly fine with VB6, so when folks migrated their VB5 applications over to VB6, little or no coding changes were required. However, ADO is the preferred method of database access for new VB6 applications .
About this Tutorial
This tutorial presents three small sample applications using RDO. All three applications use a local MS Access database, as this is suitable for illustrative purposes; in actual practice, RDO would not be a suitable choice for interacting with a local MS Access database. You could approach these sample applications "as if" the local Access database was an Oracle or SQL Server database sitting on a server somewhere – the coding techniques are the same.
The first sample application introduces the RDO Data Control (RDODC) which demonstrates a "quick and dirty" way to connect to a remote database. The second and third applications use RDO code: the second allows navigation and searching of a database table; the third allows navigation and updating on a database table. All three connect to an ODBC Data Source, which must be set up through the Windows Control Panel. How to do this is described below.
Setting Up an ODBC Data Source
Follow the steps below to set up an ODBC Data Source (this process is also called "setting up a DSN", where "DSN" stands for "Data Source Name"). These steps assume Windows 2000 for the operating system. On other versions of Windows, some steps may vary slightly.
· Via Windows Control Panel, double-click on Administrative Tools, then Data Sources (ODBC). The ODBC Data Source Administrator screen is displayed, as shown below. Click on the System DSN tab.
· Click the Addbutton. The Create New Data Source dialog box will appear. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) from the list and click the Finish button.
· The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box will appear. For Data Source Name, type Biblio. If desired, you can type an entry for Description, but this is not required.
· Click the Selectbutton. The Select Database dialog box appears. On a default installation of VB6 or Visual Studio 6, the BIBLIO.MDB sample database should reside in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98. Navigate to that folder, select BIBLIO.MDB from the file list, and click OK.
Note: If VB was installed in a different location on your system, navigate to the appropriate folder. If you do not have the BIBLIO.MDB sample database file on your system at all, you can download it here. In that case, copy the file to the folder of your choice, and navigate to that folder to select the database for this step.
· When you are returned to the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup screen, the database you selected should be reflected as shown below. Click OK to dismiss this screen.
· When you are returned to the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen, the new DSN should appear as shown below. Click OK to dismiss this screen.
At this point, the Biblio database is ready to be used with RDO in the sample application.
Sample Application 1: Using the RDO Data Control (RDODC)
To build the first sample application, follow the steps below.
· Start a new VB project, and from the Components dialog box (invoked from the Project -> Components menu), select Microsoft RemoteData Control 6.0 (SP3)as shown below and click OK.
The RDO Data Control should appear in your toolbox as shown below:
· Put a remote data control (RDC) on your form, and set the properties as follows:
Property | Value |
Name | rdoBiblio |
DataSourceName | Biblio |
SQL | select * from authors |
· Now put three text boxes on the form, and set their Name, DataSource, and DataField properties as follows:
Name | DataSource | DataField |
txtAuthor | rdoBiblio | Author |
txtAuID | rdoBiblio | Au_ID |
txtYearBorn | rdoBiblio | Year Born |
· Save and run the program. Notice how it works just like the other data control.
· Now change the SQL property of the data control to select * from authors order by author and run the program again. Notice the difference.
· Change the SQL property back to what it was and add three command buttons to the form, and set their Name and Caption properties as follows:
Name | Caption |
cmdNameOrder | Order by Name |
cmdYearOrder | Order by Year |
cmdIDOrder | Order by ID |
· Put the following code in the cmdNameOrder_Click event:
rdoBiblio.SQL = "select * from authors order by author"
· Put the following code in the cmdYearOrder_Click event:
rdoBiblio.SQL = "select * from authors order by [year born]"
· Put the following code in the cmdIDOrder_Click event:
rdoBiblio.SQL = "select * from authors order by au_id"
· Save and run the program and see what happens when you click the buttons.
A screen-shot of the sample app at run-time is shown below:
Download the project files for this sample application here.
Sample Applications 2 and 3: Using RDO Code
Sample applications 2 and 3 use a database called PROPERTY.MDB and can be downloaded here.
The Property database contains just one table called "Property". The columns of this table are defined as follows:
Column Name | Data Type | Notes |
PROPNO | Number (Long Integer) | A number that uniquely identifies the property in the table. Should be treated as the Primary Key (although it is not defined as such in the sample database). |
EMPNO | Number (Long Integer) | A number that identifies the real estate agent selling the property. In a real system, this would be the foreign key to the employee number in an Employee table (such a table is not present in the sample database). |
ADDRESS | Text (20) | The street address of the property. |
CITY | Text (15) | The city where the property is located. |
STATE | Text (2) | The state where the property is located (2-character US state abbreviation). |
ZIP | Text (5) | The zip code where the property is located. |
NEIGHBORHOOD | Text (15) | The descriptive name of the neighborhood in which the property is located. |
HOME_AGE | Number (Long Integer) | Age in years of the home. (A better table design choice would be to have this field be the date in which the property was built and have the application compute the age based on the current date.) |
BEDS | Number (Long Integer) | Number of bedrooms in the property. |
BATHS | Number (Single) | Number of bathrooms in the property (allows for a decimal value such as 2.5, indicating 2 ½ bathrooms – i.e. 2 full bathrooms and 1 "powder room"). |
FOOTAGE | Number (Long Integer) | The footage of the property. |
ASKING | Number (Long Integer) | Asking price of the property in whole dollars. |
BID | Number (Long Integer) | Bid amount of the potential buyer in whole dollars. |
SALEPRICE | Number (Long Integer) | Sale price (amount the property actually sold for) in whole dollars. |
Before coding or running sample application 2 or 3, you must set up an ODBC data source as was done for the previous sample application.
After downloading the file, move it to the folder of your choice. Then follow the exact same steps as before to set up the DSN, with these two exceptions:
(1) On the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box, type PropDB for the Data Source Name.
(2) In the Select Databasedialog box, navigate to the location where you have placed the PROPERTY.MDBfile.
Sample Application 2
To build Sample Application 2, start a new VB project and perform the following steps.
· From the Project -> References menu, check Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0 and click OK.
· This project uses the StatusBar control, so include the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) from the Components dialog box, accessed from the Project -> Components menu.
· Create the form shown below. The names of the text boxes in the top frame are shown in the form. Set the Enabled property of the frame to False, which will automatically disable all of the textboxes within it, which is desired because this application does not allow updating of the data. The settings for the other controls are given below.
The navigation buttons have the following properties:
Name | Caption |
cmdMoveFirst | << |
cmdMovePrevious | < |
cmdMoveNext | > |
cmdMoveLast | >> |
The text box in the middle of the form has the following properties:
Name | txtCurrentQuery |
MultiLine | True |
Locked | True |
The command buttons have the following properties:
Name | Caption |
cmdAllData | Reload All Records |
cmdGetData | Run Query Now |
In the "Select Criteria" frame:
The check boxes are an array:
Name | Caption |
chkCriteria(0) | EmpNo |
chkCriteria(1) | City |
chkCriteria(2) | State |
The labels are also an array:
Name | Caption | Enabled |
lblCriteria(0) | = | False |
lblCriteria(1) | Like | False |
lblCriteria(2) | Like | False |
The textboxes are also an array:
Name | Caption | Enabled |
txtCriteria(0) | EmpNo | False |
txtCriteria(1) | City | False |
txtCriteria(2) | State | False |
Place the StatusBar on the form and set its Style property to 1 – sbrSimple.
2. Code the General Declarations section as shown below. Here, two RDO objects, rdoConnectionand rdoResultset, are defined at the form level.
The rdoConnectionobject represents an open connection to a remote data source and a specific database on that data source, or an allocated but as yet unconnected object, which can be used to subsequently establish a connection.
The rdoResultsetobject represents the rows that result from running a query,
Option Explicit
Dim mobjRDOConn As rdoConnection
Dim mobjRDORst As rdoResultset
Dim mstrSQL As String
3. Code the Form_Load event. Here, the OpenConnection methods is introduced.
OpenConnection is method of an existing rdoEnvironment object. An rdoEnvironmentobject defines a logical set of connections and transaction scope for a particular user name. rdoEnvironments(0) is a member of the rdoEnvironmentscollection and is created automatically when you include RDO in your program. The rdoEnvironments collection is one of several collections of the base RDO object, rdoEngine. The rdoEngine object is created automatically when you include RDO in your program.
The syntax for the OpenConnectionmethod is:
Set connection = environment.OpenConnection(dsName[, prompt[, readonly[, connect[, options]]]]) In this sample program, "PropDB"is used for the dsName argument, as this was the Data Source Name given during the ODBC setup. The prompt argument controls whether or not the user is prompted for their UserID and password via the "ODBC Data Sources" dialog box. Provided that enough information is given within the other arguments of the OpenConnection method, the constant rdDriverNoPromptwill suppress the prompt. The third argument, readonly is a Boolean indicating whether or not the connection should be open for read/write access. The sample program omits this argument, thus defaulting to False, meaning the connection is open for read/write access. The connect argument is a string expression used to pass arguments to the ODBC driver manager for opening the database. In the case of the sample application, we are passing a user id of "admin" and a blank password in the connection string, which are the defaults for an unsecured MS Access database.
Private Sub Form_Load()
'set up the form and connect to the data source
On Error GoTo LocalError
'center the form:
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
' Connect to the Property database:
Set mobjRDOConn = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0).OpenConnection _
("PropDB", rdDriverNoPrompt, , "UID=admin;PWD=")
Call cmdAllData_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
4. Code the cmdAllData_Click event, which sets or resets the Resultset object with a query to display all the rows in the table. Here, the OpenResultset method is introduced.
The OpenResultsetmethod causes an rdoResultset object to be created. The syntax is:
Set variable = connection.OpenResultset(name[,type [,locktype [,option]]])
The name argument is a string that specifies the source of the rows for the new rdoResultset. This argument can specify the name of an rdoTable object, the name of an rdoQuery, or an SQL statement that might return rows. In the case of the sample application, it is the SQL statement "select * from property". The type argument specifies which type of cursor to create (using rdOpenKeysetallows the use of the "Move" methods (MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc.), so that option was coded here). The locktype argument specifies the concurrency option that controls how other users are granted or refused access to the data being updated. A value of rdConcurRowVer specifies optimistic concurrency based on row ID.
Private Sub cmdAllData_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim lngX As Long
'select or reload the data to be displayed:
mstrSQL = "select * from property"
Set mobjRDORst = mobjRDOConn.OpenResultset(mstrSQL, rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurRowVer)
txtCurrentQuery.Text = mstrSQL
'The number of records will be displayed in the status bar,
'but the RowCount property is not correct until the last
'record has been accessed (so do a MoveLast followed by a MoveFirst).
'load data into the text boxes
Call DataLoad
' reset the state of the search criteria controls
For lngX = 0 To 2
chkCriteria(lngX).Value = vbUnchecked
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
5. Create the user-defined subprocedure DataLoad. This subprocedure gets the data from the resultset and puts each field into a text box. Data from the resultset is accessed via the rdoColumnscollection.
The rdoColumnscollection in RDO is similar to the Fields collection in DAO. A field can be referenced with or without specifying rdoColumns, either by the field name in quotes or by its ordinal position in the resultset. The field can also be referenced with the bang (!) operator. All of the following would be valid ways of referencing the field "propno":
mobjRDORst ("propno")
Private Sub DataLoad()
On Error GoTo LocalError
'copy the data from the resultset to the text boxes:
txtPropNo.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("propno")
txtEmpNo.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("empno")
txtAddress.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("address")
txtCity.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("city")
txtState.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("state")
txtZip.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("zip")
Call SetRecNum
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
6. Create the user-defined subprocedure SetRecNum. This sub displays the number of the current record at the bottom of the screen. The AbsolutePosition, RowCount, and PercentPositionproperties of the Resultset are used here.
The AbsolutePositionproperty specifies the current row in a resultset.
The RowCountproperty specifies the number of rows in a resultset that have been accessed (the full count is only accurate after a "MoveLast" has been executed).
The PercentPositionproperty indicates the location of the current resultset row based on a percentage.
Private Sub SetRecNum()
StatusBar1.SimpleText = "row " & mobjRDORst.AbsolutePosition _
& " of " & mobjRDORst.RowCount _
& ", " & Format(mobjRDORst.PercentPosition, "#0.00") _
& "% of ResultSet"
End Sub
7. Code the events for the navigation buttons as shown below, using the resultset "Move" methods to move to the first, last, next, or previous record, respectively.
Private Sub cmdMoveFirst_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Call DataLoad
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMoveLast_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Call DataLoad
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMoveNext_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
If mobjRDORst.EOF Then
End If
Call DataLoad
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMovePrevious_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
If mobjRDORst.BOF Then
End If
Call DataLoad
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
8. When one of the check boxes is clicked, the label and text box next to it should be enabled (or disabled, if clicking the check box unchecks it). Note also that the cmdGetData button (the one with the "Run Query Now" caption) should only be enabled if one of the checkboxes is checked.
Private Sub chkCriteria_Click(Index As Integer)
' disable the 'Run Query Now' button
cmdGetData.Enabled = False
'when the user clicks on a check box, enable the label and text
'box that go with it.
If chkCriteria(Index).Value = vbChecked Then
txtCriteria(Index).Enabled = True
lblCriteria(Index).Enabled = True
txtCriteria(Index).SelStart = 0
txtCriteria(Index).SelLength = Len(txtCriteria(Index).Text)
' enable the 'Run Query Now' button only if a box is checked.
cmdGetData.Enabled = True
txtCriteria(Index).Enabled = False
lblCriteria(Index).Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
9. After the user has selected which fields to use and entered values in the text boxes, they click the cmdGetData button to create a new Resultset with new data. Note that if the user selects (checks) a field, but does not enter search criteria in the corresponding textbox, an error message is generated and the query is not run.
Private Sub cmdGetData_Click()
'run the query that the user has created
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim blnFirstOne As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
blnFirstOne = True
mstrSQL = "select * from property where "
If chkCriteria(0).Value = vbChecked Then
If (txtCriteria(0).Text = "") Or (Not IsNumeric(txtCriteria(0).Text)) Then
MsgBox "Employee number is missing or non-numeric. Query not run.", _
vbExclamation, _
"RDO Example"
Exit Sub
End If
blnFirstOne = False
mstrSQL = mstrSQL & "empno = " & txtCriteria(0).Text
End If
If chkCriteria(1).Value = vbChecked Then
If txtCriteria(1).Text = "" Then
MsgBox "City criteria is missing. Query not run.", _
vbExclamation, _
"RDO Example"
Exit Sub
End If
If blnFirstOne = False Then
mstrSQL = mstrSQL & " and"
End If
blnFirstOne = False
mstrSQL = mstrSQL & " city like '" & txtCriteria(1).Text & "'"
End If
If chkCriteria(2).Value = vbChecked Then
If txtCriteria(2).Text = "" Then
MsgBox "State criteria is missing. Query not run.", _
vbExclamation, _
"RDO Example"
Exit Sub
End If
If blnFirstOne = False Then
mstrSQL = mstrSQL & " and"
End If
blnFirstOne = False
mstrSQL = mstrSQL & " state like '" & txtCriteria(2).Text & "'"
End If
'create a new resultset using the new query
Set mobjRDORst = mobjRDOConn.OpenResultset(mstrSQL, rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurRowVer)
txtCurrentQuery.Text = mstrSQL
'make sure that the query did not return 0 rows:
If mobjRDORst.RowCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Your query returned 0 rows!"
MsgBox "The query you generated was:" & vbCrLf & mstrSQL
'reload the form with all the records
'move to last row to set the RowCount property
'load data into the text boxes
Call DataLoad
MsgBox "Your query returned " & mobjRDORst.RowCount & " records."
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
10. Save and run. Note: When entering the "Like" criteria for City and/or State, you can use the wildcard character % to represent any number of characters and the wildcard character _ (underscore) the represent a single character. For example, entering "M%" for the City criteria would return all rows where the city field begins with the letter "M".
Download the project files for this sample application here.
Sample Application 3
Sample Application 3 demonstrates how to add, update, and delete records with RDO.
When the application is first run, the user is prompted to enter a minimum asking price to possibly limit the number of records they want to work with (i.e., "I only want to work with properties that are selling for $200,000 or more). If the user wants to work with all properties, they would simply accept the default of 0 from the prompt. If the user clicks the Cancel button, the application will end.
Once the user has entered the minimum asking price, the main screen of the application is displayed. Initially, the screen is in "browse" mode, where the user can use the navigation buttons to move to the first, previous, next or last record. The data cannot be edited in this mode. If they want to initiate an add or an update, delete a record, or exit the application, they may do so via the appropriate button. Saving or cancelling is not applicable in this mode, so those buttons are disabled.
If the user clicks the Add button, the fields on the screen are enabled and cleared, and the user can enter the information for the new property. All buttons except Save and Cancel are now disabled. After the user has made entries in the fields, he or she would click Save to add the new record to the database table, or, if they changed their mind, would click Cancel to discard the new record. In either case (clicking Save or Cancel) the user is returned to browse mode. When Save is clicked, the application validates the entries and will only save the record if all fields pass edit (otherwise, a message will appear indicating the problem entry and focus will be set to the problem field).
If the user clicks the Update button, the fields on the screen are enabled and the user can modify any or all of the fields (except for the Property Number, which is the primary key of the table). All buttons except Save and Cancel are now disabled. After the user has made modifications in the desired fields, he or she would click Save to update the record to the database table, or, if they changed their mind, would click Cancel to discard the changes. In either case (clicking Save or Cancel) the user is returned to browse mode. When Save is clicked, the application validates the entries and will only save the record if all fields pass edit (otherwise, a message will appear indicating the problem entry and focus will be set to the problem field).
If the user clicks the Delete button, the user is asked to confirm that they want to delete the current record. If they respond Yes, the record is deleted from the database table, and the main screen shows the next record in the table.
To build Sample Application 3, start a new VB project and perform the following steps.
· From the Project -> References menu, check Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0 and click OK.
· This project uses the StatusBar control, so include the Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) from the Components dialog box, accessed from the Project -> Components menu. Check this item and click OK.
· Create the form shown below. The settings for the various controls are given below.
· There are nine textboxes in the main frame of the form. The names and MaxLength settings for these are given below:
Name | Properties |
txtPropNo | MaxLength: 5 |
txtEmpNo | MaxLength: 4 |
txtAddress | MaxLength: 20 |
txtCity | MaxLength: 15 |
txtState | MaxLength: 2 |
txtZip | MaxLength: 5 |
txtBeds | MaxLength: 1 |
txtBaths | MaxLength: 3 (allows fractional amount, like 1.5) |
txtAsking | MaxLength: 0 (not specified) |
· Set up the Command Buttons as follows:
Name | Caption |
cmdMoveFirst | << |
cmdMovePrevious | < |
cmdMoveNext | > |
cmdMoveLast | >> |
cmdAdd | Add |
cmdUpdate | Update |
cmdDelete | Delete |
cmdSave | Save |
cmdCancel | Cancel |
cmdExit | Exit |
· All controls on your form should have their TabIndex property set such that the tabbing order is correct.
· Add a Module to the project, name it modCommon, and enter the code shown below. The code contains procedures described as follows:
CenterForm | Sub to center a form on the screen |
ValidKey | Function to validate a keystroke for use in the KeyPress event of a textbox |
ConvertUpper | Function to convert an alphabetic character entered in a textbox to uppercase, used in the KeyPress event of a textbox |
SelectTextBoxText | Sub to highlight the text of a textbox when it receives focus. Used in the GotFocus event of a textbox. |
TabToNextTextBox | Sub to "autotab" from one textbox to another when maximum number of characters that can be entered into the first textbox has been reached. |
UnFormatNumber | Function to strip out non-numeric characters (dollar signs, commas, etc.) from a formatted number. |
Option Explicit
Public Const gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS As String = "0123456789"
Public gblnPopulating As Boolean
Public Sub CenterForm(pobjForm As Form)
With pobjForm
.Top = (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2
.Left = (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2
End With
End Sub
Public Function ValidKey(pintKeyValue As Integer, _
pstrSearchString As String) As Integer
' Common function to filter out keyboard characters passed to this
' function from KeyPress events.
' Typical call:
' KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
If pintKeyValue < 32 _
Or InStr(pstrSearchString, Chr$(pintKeyValue)) > 0 Then
'Do nothing - i.e., accept the control character or any key
' in the search string passed to this function ...
'cancel (do not accept) any other key ...
pintKeyValue = 0
End If
ValidKey = pintKeyValue
End Function
Public Function ConvertUpper(pintKeyValue As Integer) As Integer
' Common function to force alphabetic keyboard characters to uppercase
' when called from the KeyPress event.
' Typical call:
' KeyAscii = ConvertUpper(KeyAscii)
If Chr$(pintKeyValue) >= "a" And Chr$(pintKeyValue) <= "z" Then
pintKeyValue = pintKeyValue - 32
End If
ConvertUpper = pintKeyValue
End Function
Public Sub SelectTextBoxText(pobjTextbox As TextBox)
With pobjTextbox
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub TabToNextTextBox(pobjTextBox1 As TextBox, pobjTextBox2 As TextBox)
If gblnPopulating Then Exit Sub
If pobjTextBox2.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
If Len(pobjTextBox1.Text) = pobjTextBox1.MaxLength Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function UnFormatNumber(pstrNumberIn As String) As String
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strCurrChar As String
Dim strNumberOut As String
strNumberOut = ""
For lngX = 1 To Len(pstrNumberIn)
strCurrChar = Mid$(pstrNumberIn, lngX, 1)
If InStr("0123456789.", strCurrChar) > 0 Then
strNumberOut = strNumberOut & strCurrChar
End If
UnFormatNumber = strNumberOut
End Function
· Code the General Declarations section as shown below. Here, as in the previous sample application, two RDO objects, rdoConnection and rdoResultset, are defined at the form level, as are some other form-level variables that will be needed.
Option Explicit
Private mobjRDOConn As rdoConnection
Private mobjRDORst As rdoResultset
Private mstrSQL As String
Private mdblMinAsking As Double
Private mblnUpdatePending As Boolean
Private mstrUpdateType As String
Private mavntUSStates As Variant
· Code the Form_Load event as shown below. In it, a programmer-defined Sub named GetMinimumAskingis called (that routine is the one that displays the initial prompt to the user to enter the minimum asking price of the properties they want to work with). Then, the variant array mavntUSStates is loaded with the 50 US state abbreviations, needed for validating the state input by the user. This is followed by a call to the CenterForm sub. Then, the RDO OpenConnection is invoked so that we can use the Property database in the application. This is followed by a call to the programmer-defined Sub GetPropertyData (which runs the query to create the recordset that will be used to browse the Property table records), followed by a call to the programmer-defined Sub SetFormState (which enables and disables controls at the appropriate time).
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo LocalError
' obtain the minimum asking price for the properties to be worked with
' load the array of states to be used for validation
mavntUSStates = Array("AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", _
"DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", _
"KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", _
"MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", _
"NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", _
"SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", _
"WI", "WV", "WY")
'center the form:
CenterForm Me
' Connect to the Property database:
Set mobjRDOConn = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0).OpenConnection _
("PropDB", rdDriverNoPrompt, , "UID=admin;PWD=")
Call GetPropertyData
SetFormState False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the GetMinimumAskingSub, which uses the InputBox function to prompt to the user to enter the minimum asking price of the properties they want to work with. The resulting value is then stored in the form-level variable mdblMinAsking.
Private Sub GetMinimumAsking()
Dim strInputBoxPrompt As String
Dim strAsking As String
strInputBoxPrompt = "Enter the minimum asking price (for example, 200000) " _
& "for the properties that you want to work with this session." _
& vbNewLine _
& "To work with ALL properties, leave the default of zero."
strAsking = InputBox(strInputBoxPrompt, "Minimum Asking Price", "0")
If strAsking = "" Then
' user clicked Cancel button on the input box, so end the app
End If
mdblMinAsking = Val(strAsking)
End Sub
Code the GetPropertyDataSub, which builds the SQL to get the property records meeting the minimum asking price condition. The OpenResultset method is then invoked to execute the SQL and return the resultset. This is done in a loop in case the resultset does not return any records due to the fact no records in the table met the asking price condition. In that situation, the user is given the opportunity to specify a different asking price value. Assuming we get to a point where we get records back, we do a MoveLast (to ensure a correct record count) followed by a MoveFirst to position to the first record in the resultset. Following this, the programmer-defined Sub PopulateFormFieldsis called (which displays the fields from the current record in their corresponding textboxes on the form).
Private Sub GetPropertyData()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim blnGotData As Boolean
blnGotData = False
'select or reload the data to be displayed:
mstrSQL = "select propno" _
& " , empno" _
& " , address" _
& " , city" _
& " , state" _
& " , zip" _
& " , beds" _
& " , baths" _
& " , asking" _
& " from property" _
& " where asking >= " & mdblMinAsking _
& " order by propno"
Set mobjRDORst = mobjRDOConn.OpenResultset(mstrSQL, _
rdOpenKeyset, _
If mobjRDORst.EOF Then
If MsgBox("There are no properties with an asking price >= " _
& Format$(mdblMinAsking, "Currency") _
& ". Do you want to try again with a different value?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Asking Price") _
= vbYes Then
End If
blnGotData = True
End If
Loop Until blnGotData
'The number of records will be displayed in the status bar,
'but the RowCount property is not correct until the last
'record has been accessed (so do a MoveLast followed by a MoveFirst).
'load data into the text boxes
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the PopulateFormFieldsSub, which assigns the fields from the current record to their corresponding textboxes on the form. Note that the gblnPopulating Boolean variable is set to True prior to the assignments and set to False after the assignments. This value is used to control whether or not certain code executes in the event procedures for some of these textboxes. The Sub SetRecNum is then called.
Private Sub PopulateFormFields()
On Error GoTo LocalError
gblnPopulating = True
'copy the data from the resultset to the text boxes:
txtPropNo.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("propno")
txtEmpNo.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("empno")
txtAddress.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("address")
txtCity.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("city")
txtState.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("state")
txtZip.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("zip")
txtBeds.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("beds")
txtBaths.Text = mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("baths")
txtAsking.Text = Format$(mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("asking"), "Currency")
gblnPopulating = False
Call SetRecNum
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the SetRecNum Sub. This sub is identical to the one used in Sample Application 2. It displays the number of the current record at the bottom of the screen using the AbsolutePosition, RowCount, and PercentPosition properties of the Resultset object.
Private Sub SetRecNum()
StatusBar1.SimpleText = "row " & mobjRDORst.AbsolutePosition _
& " of " & mobjRDORst.RowCount _
& ", " & Format(mobjRDORst.PercentPosition, "#0.00") _
& "% of ResultSet"
End Sub
Code the SetFormState Sub, which takes in a Boolean argument used to set the Enabled property of the controls on the form. Based on whether the value True or False is passed to this sub, this sub ensures that the textboxes are enabled for adds and updates and disabled for browsing; it also ensures that the various command buttons are enabled or disabled at the appropriate time. This Sub also sets the form-level Boolean variable mblnUpdatePending.
Private Sub SetFormState(pblnEnabled As Boolean)
txtPropNo.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtEmpNo.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtAddress.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtCity.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtState.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtZip.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtBeds.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtBaths.Enabled = pblnEnabled
txtAsking.Enabled = pblnEnabled
cmdSave.Enabled = pblnEnabled
cmdCancel.Enabled = pblnEnabled
cmdAdd.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdUpdate.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdDelete.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdExit.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdMoveFirst.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdMoveNext.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdMovePrevious.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
cmdMoveLast.Enabled = Not pblnEnabled
mblnUpdatePending = pblnEnabled
End Sub
Code the Form_Unload event. In it, the form-level Boolean variable mblnUpdatePending is tested to see if (well, an update is pending – i.e., whether an add or update is in progress). If the user is in the middle of an add or update and then clicks the "X" button on the upper-right corner of the form, they will receive the message that they must save or cancel prior to exiting the application, and the form will NOT be unloaded (because we are assigning a non-zero value to the Cancel argument in that situation). Provided that an add or update is not in progress, we set the database objects to Nothing and the Unload will complete.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
If mblnUpdatePending Then
MsgBox "You must save or cancel the current operation prior to exiting.", _
vbExclamation, _
Cancel = 1
Set mobjRDORst = Nothing
Set mobjRDOConn = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Code the events for the various Textboxes as shown below. The code in these events ensure the following:
· For all, highlight the text in the textbox when it receives focus.
· For all but the last textbox, if the maximum number of characters typed into the textbox is reached, auto-tab to the next textbox.
· Only numeric digits should be entered into the property number, employee number, zip codes, and beds textboxes.
· Only numeric digits and optionally one decimal point should be entered into the baths and asking textboxes.
· Force uppercase on the state textbox.
· When the asking textbox receives focus, the value in there should be unformatted. When the asking textbox loses focus, its value should be formatted as currency.
' Textbox events
' property #
Private Sub txtPropNo_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtPropNo
End Sub
Private Sub txtPropNo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtPropNo_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtPropNo, txtEmpNo
End Sub
' emp #
Private Sub txtEmpNo_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtEmpNo
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpNo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtEmpNo_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtEmpNo, txtAddress
End Sub
' address
Private Sub txtAddress_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtAddress
End Sub
Private Sub txtAddress_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtAddress, txtCity
End Sub
' city
Private Sub txtCity_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtCity
End Sub
Private Sub txtCity_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtCity, txtState
End Sub
' state
Private Sub txtState_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtState
End Sub
Private Sub txtState_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ConvertUpper(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Private Sub txtState_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtState, txtZip
End Sub
' zip
Private Sub txtZip_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtZip
End Sub
Private Sub txtZip_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtZip_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtZip, txtBeds
End Sub
' beds
Private Sub txtBeds_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtBeds
End Sub
Private Sub txtBeds_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS)
End Sub
Private Sub txtBeds_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtBeds, txtBaths
End Sub
' baths
Private Sub txtBaths_GotFocus()
SelectTextBoxText txtBaths
End Sub
Private Sub txtBaths_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS & ".")
' if text already has a decimal point, do not allow another ...
If Chr$(KeyAscii) = "." And InStr(txtBaths.Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtBaths_Change()
TabToNextTextBox txtBaths, txtAsking
End Sub
' asking price
Private Sub txtAsking_GotFocus()
txtAsking.Text = UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text)
SelectTextBoxText txtAsking
End Sub
Private Sub txtAsking_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = ValidKey(KeyAscii, gstrNUMERIC_DIGITS & ".")
' if text already has a decimal point, do not allow another ...
If Chr$(KeyAscii) = "." And InStr(txtAsking.Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtAsking_LostFocus()
txtAsking.Text = Format$(txtAsking.Text, "Currency")
End Sub
Code the events for the navigation buttons as shown below, using the resultset "Move" methods to move to the first, last, next, or previous record, respectively.
Private Sub cmdMoveFirst_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMoveLast_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMoveNext_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
If mobjRDORst.EOF Then
End If
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMovePrevious_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
If mobjRDORst.BOF Then
End If
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the Clickevent for the cmdAdd button. In it, the textboxes are cleared, the SetFormStatesub is called (passing it a parameter of True, which will enable the textboxes and the Save and Cancel buttons and disable all the other buttons), set the form-level variable mstrUpdateType to "A" (indicating that an add is pending) and sets focus to the Property Number field.
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
'clear all the text boxes:
txtPropNo.Text = ""
txtEmpNo.Text = ""
txtAddress.Text = ""
txtCity.Text = ""
txtState.Text = ""
txtZip.Text = ""
txtBeds.Text = ""
txtBaths.Text = ""
txtAsking.Text = ""
SetFormState True
mstrUpdateType = "A"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the Clickevent for the cmdUpdate button. In it, the SetFormState sub is called (passing it a parameter of True, which will enable the textboxes and the Save and Cancel buttons and disable all the other buttons), set the form-level variable mstrUpdateType to "U" (indicating that an update is pending), disables the Property Number field (because it is the primary key and should not be changed) and sets focus to the Employee Number field.
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
SetFormState True
mstrUpdateType = "U"
' being that propno is the primary key, it should not be updatable
txtPropNo.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
Code the Clickevent for the cmdSave button. The user would click this button after they have completed entries for an add or update. This sub first invokes the ValidateAllFieldsfunction, which returns a Boolean indicating whether or not all entries passed their edit checks. If not, we exit the sub and the record is not saved; the user remains in "update pending" mode and has the opportunity to correct the entries. Provided that validation is successful, the sub proceeds. The mstrUpdateType variable is checked to see whether we are dealing with an add or an update.
If we are dealing with an add, we invoke the AddNew method of the rdoResultsetobject (named mobjRDORst in this application). The AddNew method prepares a new row you can edit and subsequently add to the rdoResultset object using the Update method. After you modify the new row, you must use the Updatemethod to save the changes and add the row to the result set. No changes are made to the database until you use the Update method. (The Update method is invoked after the content of the textboxes has been assigned to the database fields.)
If we are dealing with an update, we invoke the Edit method of the rdoResultsetobject (named mobjRDORst in this application). The Edit method enables changes to data values in the current row of an updatable rdoResultsetobject. Prior to invoking the Edit method, the data columns of an rdoResultsetare read-only. Behind the scenes, executing the Edit method copies the current row from an updatable rdoResultset object to the copy buffer for subsequent editing. Changes made to the current row’s columns are copied to the copy buffer. After you make the desired changes to the row, use the Updatemethod to save your changes or the CancelUpdate method to discard them. (If you move on to another record after invoking Edit but without invoking Update, your changes will be lost.)
Once the appropriate method has been invoked (either the AddNew or Edit), the content of the textboxes is assigned to the database fields, then the Update method is invoked. The Update method saves the contents of the copy buffer row to a specified updatable rdoResultset object and discards the copy buffer. (The Update method is the method that actually saves the data, and it must have been preceded by an AddNew or Edit.)
The mstrUpdateTypevariable is checked once again, and if we are dealing with an add, there is some extra work to do. Although the new record has been added, the original resultset still does not contain the new record. The Requery method must be invoked, which updates the data in an rdoResultset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based. Logic is then necessary to position to the new record. The SetRecNum sub must then be called to display the status bar information about the new record. Note: RDO does not have a Seek or FindFirst method, thus it is not possible to simply position a recordset to a particular row based on the value of a column. The workaround used by this sample application is to read rows sequentially (via the MoveNext method) until the desired row is found. This workaround is only practical for relatively small resultsets like the Property table – this would not be practical for a resultset containing thousands of rows.
In either case (add or update), the SetFormState sub is called with a parameter of False, which causes the textboxes and the Save and Cancel buttons to be disabled and all other buttons to be enabled.
Note that in the statement that assigns the contents of the txtAsking textbox to the askingfield of the table, our UnFormatNumber function is used to strip off the non-numeric characters. This is because we are using a display format that includes a dollar sign and commas on the txtAsking control, and an error would occur if we attempted to assign this directly to the asking field, which is defined as numeric.
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
If Not ValidateAllFields Then Exit Sub
If mstrUpdateType = "A" Then
End If
'save the data to the database:
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("propno") = txtPropNo.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("empno") = txtEmpNo.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("address") = txtAddress.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("city") = txtCity.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("state") = txtState.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("zip") = txtZip.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("beds") = txtBeds.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("baths") = txtBaths.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("asking") = UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text)
If mstrUpdateType = "A" Then
'after the new record is added, the db must be re-queried
'so that the resultset contains the new record:
'since the number of records has changed, move to the
'last record to reset the RowCount property:
' reposition to the record just added
Do Until mobjRDORst.EOF
If mobjRDORst("propno") = Val(txtPropNo.Text) Then
Exit Do
End If
'display status info about the new record
End If
SetFormState False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
'if an error occured, the user should be instructed
'how to fix it or the invalid data should be removed
'from the text boxes and another record displayed
Resume Reset
End Sub
Code the Clickevent for the cmdDelete button. The user is first asked to confirm that they want to delete the record, and if so, the Delete method of the resultset object (mobjRDORst) is invoked, which deletes the current row in an updatable resultset object. The Requery method is then invoked so that the record is removed from the resultset that the user is working with. Logic is then needed to position to a different record (either the next record after the deleted one, or, if it was the last record that was deleted, the record that preceded the deleted record). PopulateFormFields must then be called to display the contents of the new current record.
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
'when the current record is deleted, the current location in the recordset
'is invalid. use the Requery method to re-execute the query and update
'the data.
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Delete") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
'since the number of records has changed, move to the last record to
'reset the RowCount property:
' reposition to one past the record just deleted
Do Until mobjRDORst.EOF
If mobjRDORst("propno") > Val(txtPropNo.Text) Then
Exit Do
End If
' If it was the last record that was deleted, this will position us
' to the "new" last record ...
If mobjRDORst.EOF Then mobjRDORst.MoveLast
'load data into the text boxes:
Call PopulateFormFields
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Sub
The ValidateAllFields function, which returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not all fields have passed validation checks. This function calls upon two "helper" functions: PropertyExists and ValidState. When the user is doing an add, the PropertyExist function is called to see whether or not the proposed Property Number is already being used in the Property table. If so, the user is informed that they can't use that number (because it is the primary key and must be unique) and so they must use a different number. The ValidState routine is called to ensure that the user has entered a valid US state. The code for all three functions is shown below.
Private Function ValidateAllFields() As Boolean
ValidateAllFields = False 'guilty until proven innocent
If mstrUpdateType = "A" Then
If txtPropNo.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Property # must not be blank.", vbExclamation, "Property #"
Exit Function
ElseIf PropertyExists Then
MsgBox "Property # already exists. Please use a different #.", _
vbExclamation, _
"Property #"
Exit Function
End If
End If
If txtEmpNo.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Emp # must not be blank.", vbExclamation, "Emp #"
Exit Function
End If
If txtAddress.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Address must not be blank.", vbExclamation, "Address"
Exit Function
End If
If txtCity.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "City must not be blank.", vbExclamation, "City"
Exit Function
End If
If Not ValidState Then
MsgBox "Missing or invalid state.", vbExclamation, "State"
Exit Function
End If
If txtZip.Text = "" Or Len(txtZip.Text) = 5 Then
' it's OK
MsgBox "Zip code must either be blank or exactly 5 digits.", vbExclamation, "Zip Code"
Exit Function
End If
If Val(txtBeds.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Beds must not be zero.", vbExclamation, "Beds"
Exit Function
End If
If Val(txtBaths.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Baths must not be zero.", vbExclamation, "Baths"
Exit Function
End If
If Val(UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Asking must not be zero.", vbExclamation, "Asking"
Exit Function
End If
' if we make it here, all fields have passed edit
ValidateAllFields = True
End Function
Private Function PropertyExists() As Boolean
Dim objTempRst As rdoResultset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select count(*) as the_count from property where propno = " & txtPropNo.Text
Set objTempRst = mobjRDOConn.OpenResultset(strSQL, _
rdOpenKeyset, _
If objTempRst("the_count") > 0 Then
PropertyExists = True
PropertyExists = False
End If
End Function
Private Function ValidState() As Boolean
Dim lngX As Long
Dim blnStateFound As Boolean
blnStateFound = False
For lngX = 0 To UBound(mavntUSStates)
If txtState.Text = mavntUSStates(lngX) Then
blnStateFound = True
Exit For
End If
ValidState = blnStateFound
End Function
Code the Clickevent for the cmdCancel button. The user would click this button if, during an add or update, they decide to abandon the operation. Here, PopulateFormFieldsis called to reset the textboxes to their content prior to the user clicking the Add or Update button, and SetFormState is called with a parameter of False, which causes the textboxes and the Save and Cancel buttons to be disabled and all other buttons to be enabled.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
SetFormState False
End Sub
Code the Clickevent for the cmdExit button, which issues the Unload Mestatement to fire the Form_Unload event, which will unload the form and end the application.
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Download the project files for this sample application here.
The Execute Method
The Execute method of the RDO Connection object can be used to run an action query or execute an SQL statement that does not return rows. Such queries include UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements.In the cmdSave_Clickprocedure, the following code segment:
If mstrUpdateType = "A" Then
End If
'save the data to the database:
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("propno") = txtPropNo.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("empno") = txtEmpNo.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("address") = txtAddress.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("city") = txtCity.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("state") = txtState.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("zip") = txtZip.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("beds") = txtBeds.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("baths") = txtBaths.Text
mobjRDORst.rdoColumns("asking") = UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text)
could be replaced by: If mstrUpdateType = "A" Then
mobjRDOConn.Execute "INSERT INTO property( propno " _
& " , empno" _
& " , address" _
& " , city" _
& " , state" _
& " , zip" _
& " , beds" _
& " , baths" _
& " , asking" _
& ") VALUES (" _
& " " & txtPropNo.Text _
& ", " & txtEmpNo.Text _
& ", '" & Replace$(txtAddress.Text, "'", "''") & "'" _
& ", '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'" _
& ", '" & txtState.Text & "'" _
& ", '" & txtZip.Text & "'" _
& ", " & txtBeds.Text _
& ", " & txtBaths.Text _
& ", " & UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text) _
& ")"
mobjRDOConn.Execute "UPDATE property " _
& " SET empno = " & txtEmpNo.Text _
& " , address = '" & Replace$(txtAddress.Text, "'", "''") & "'" _
& " , city = '" & Replace$(txtCity.Text, "'", "''") & "'" _
& " , state = '" & txtState.Text & "'" _
& " , zip = '" & txtZip.Text & "'" _
& " , beds = '" & txtBeds.Text & "'" _
& " , baths = '" & txtBaths.Text & "'" _
& " , asking = '" & UnFormatNumber(txtAsking.Text) & "'" _
& " WHERE propno = " & txtPropNo.Text
End If
Note 1: Note that the portion of the code above that executes the SQL UPDATE statement includes a WHERE clause which insures that only the row for the current property number is updated. Recall from the SQL tutorial that an UPDATE statement should always have a WHERE clause to explicitly limit the row(s) to be updated. Without a WHERE clause, ALL rows of the table would be updated.
Note 2: As pointed out in the DAO tutorials, for text fields, if there is the possibility that the value to be updated or inserted will contain an apostrophe, an extra measure should be taken to "double" the apostrophes when building the SQL string – otherwise, the apostrophe embedded in the string will be interpreted as the premature ending of the SQL string and a syntax error will most likely result. The easiest way to provide this "insurance" against embedded apostrophes is to use the Replace$ function on the string in question to replace any occurrences of a single apostrophe with two apostrophes.
In the cmdDelete_Clickprocedure, the following statement: mobjRDORst.Delete
could be replaced by: mobjRDOConn.Execute "DELETE FROM property WHERE propno = " & txtPropNo.Text
Recall from the SQL tutorial that, like an UPDATE staement, a DELETE statement should always have a WHERE clause to explicitly limit the row(s) to be deleted. Without a WHERE clause, ALL rows of the table would be deleted.
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